Ruben Laguna's blog

Sep 4, 2006 - 1 minute read - click cygdrive cygwin directory drive file permission reading troubleshoot Uncategorized windows

Cygwin problem: Can't access /cygdrive/c

I’ve lost my ability to see my c: drive from cygwin. when I do $ cd c: or $ cd /cygdrive/c all goes ok. But if I do $ ls then it complains ecerulm@rlm-ecb4fe6cda1 /cygdrive/c $ ls ls: reading directory .: No such file or directory I found something at this forum and also here So it seems that I screwed up permission (maybe it related to some automatic windows update).

Sep 4, 2006 - 1 minute read - api geocoder google jiu-jitsu madrid maps Uncategorized

Google maps is easy

I decided to give a try to Google Maps API and I found it pretty easy. Currently I’m looking for a jiu-jitsu school near Madrid so I decided to pinpoint all jiu-jitsu schools in a google map. I’ve got the school addresses in this page and put those directly in the page using the geocoder api. Here’s the result, you can see all the code using View Source in the browser menu it’s all embedded javascript.

Sep 4, 2006 - 1 minute read - analytics autometa feedburner google plugins sitemaps tags technorati wordpress

Wordpress plugins

Wordpress plugins that I’m currently using AutoMeta – Automatic Meta & Technorati Tags for WordPress Google Analyticator – for use with Google analytics Feedburner Feed Replacement – provides integration with PJW Mime Config – allows to change mime-types associated with file-extensions Social Bookmarks Bar – adds a bar to each post to submit to digg,, etc Google Sitemaps – integrates with google sitemaps

Aug 24, 2006 - 1 minute read - blogger import wordpress

Wordpress importing tools is awesome

Wow! I noticed the Import tab in the Wordpress admin tool and I found that is possible to import your old blog from (among others). It awesome! works perfectly! All my previous post are now in Wordpress.

Aug 23, 2006 - 1 minute read - adjust audiobooks file itunes javascript jscript podcast podcasts scheduled-tasks volume windows wscript

Adjust the volume and EQ setting of podcast and audiobooks automatically

Continuing with my previous posts 1,2 …. I wrote a little script that I run every day via Windows Scheduled tasks. The script adjust the volume and EQ setting of all the podcasts and audiobooks everyday. I find hard to listen to podcast and audiobooks at the gym (that’s were I listen to podcasts and audiobooks) at the standard volume so I like to adjust the volume +100% and change the EQ setting to “Spoken word”.