Ruben Laguna's blog

Aug 17, 2011 - 1 minute read

Running a custom TestRunner from rake

I was surprised when I searched in Google for ways of running a custom TestRunner in a Rake::TestTask and I couldn’t find anything directly.

So after figuring out myself how it’s done I decided to share it here:

Feb 11, 2011 - 3 minute read

Compiling OpenChronos in Windows

I got the EZ430 Chronos some days ago and after play around a little with the Code Composer Studio v4 that comes with it (the free code size limited version) I got the TI firmware compiled and uploaded to the watch. Then I realized that what I compiled it was a stripped down version of the firmware called Limited as the code-size-limited CCSv4 cannot be used to compiled the Unrestricted firmware.

Aug 18, 2010 - 1 minute read

From textdrive to Joyent Shared Accelerator

After delaying it for long, long time I finally moved from Textdrive to Joyent Shared Accelerator. The improvement has been considerable. The response time has halved (blue line), and after a few days I switched to jekyll for the blog platform and the improvements has been event bigger!

Aug 17, 2010 - 1 minute read

Fixing Disqus

I was checking the Disqus threads for my site in the Disqus web page and I noticed that there was something wrong. Some threads had the wrong url, pointing to http://localhost:4000 and some had the wrong title (instead of the title the url was showing). I came to the conclusion that this was due to the fact that I’ve been using disqus_developer=1 to test locally after migrating to Disqus and the threads that I visited for the first time locally got the local url (localhost) and the because disqus couldn’t get the title from that url (since it was a local url) it assigned a title based on the (local) url.

Aug 5, 2010 - 2 minute read

DiffMerge/WinMerge for Cygwin Git

After reading several blogs and pages I got SourceGear DiffMerge and WinMerge working with Cygwin’s Git.

First you need to put some scripts in the path that serve as wrapper for invoking DiffMerge and WinMerge.

I created 2 wrapper scripts for DiffMerge and See the source code in the gist.

I also created two more scripts for WinMerge: and You can find the source code for scripts in the same gist.

All four scripts rely on to properly convert the path and set variables.

Aug 5, 2010 - 2 minute read

Migrating from Wordpress 3.0 to jekyll

I finally migrated from Wordpress to Jekyll. It wasn’t difficult but not easy either so I decided to write my experience in this blog.

I’m assuming that you setup a basic Jekyll site: _config.yml, _layouts, _posts, etc. A good start is to clone mojombo jekyll site and remove the _posts and images.

Although the Jekyll wiki describes how to use converters to migrate from Wordpress I didn’t follow that path because it requires direct access to the Mysql database.

Jul 29, 2010 - 2 minute read - wordpress

Wordpress migration: " (quotes) and ' (apostrophe) being replaced with “ and ’

I migrated from TextDrive to a Joyent Shared Accelerator and in the process I had to migrate the Wordpress MySQL database as well. After the migration the " and ’ where showing as “ and ’ respectively. It was a charset problem. Apparently the problem was

that the data itself was already in UTF-8 within a Latin1 database (due to WP default charset).

So I did the backup again (like this)